We believe that all followers of Christ should walk in the footsteps of the Messiah and have the fruits of the spirit which are Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control (Galatians 5:22-23). We believe that The two greatest commandments are Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, this is the Greatest commandment. The Second near to it is Love your neighbor as yourself, all the law and The Prophets hang on these two (Matthew 22:36-40). For if we love God we will keep his commandments (1 John 5:3), and if we love our neighbors as ourselves, there will be no strife between brethren, and the community will self control/ correct, because the love that your have for your brethren will make you come to your brother in love to correct him, as he should you. If you love God and your neighbors who are not of this fold you will seek to bring them into the Fold of The Way. We should live in The Love of Christ and let that love show forth for as he loved us when we were in our sin we should love those who are still in their sin, as he taught us we should teach them. We should walk in the Joy that we have the sacrifice of Christ who thought it not robbery being at the right hand of God above the angles ,to make himself lower than the angles so that he may come and die for the remission of Sin, that we were given grace, that we repented, and that we have our mediator at the right hand of God to cover our sins. We should have patience with all man kind to come to the fullness of the knowledge of Christ as he was patient with us. We should be kind to all people irregardless of their social status as Christ came and gave himself up in the ultimate act of Kindness to us. We should give generously to those in need, as Christ gave his life for us. We should be faithful to Christ and to His Way and to His Sheep and Christ is Faithful to The Father and His Way and His Sheep. We should be gentle including in speech, tear down the customs not the people and Chirst was gentle with us, does this mean that we hid the truth? God Forbid, but we are mindful of our words. We should have self control in our speech, in our attitude, our countenance, our obedience, in our diets, and in all things in life. We should walk as Chirst walked in all things.